Wyatt had his tubes placed this morning and did really well. We had to be at the surgery center at 6:45am. Since I have worked the last 4 days I was pretty exhausted. I didn't get up in time to get the kids ready, drop Aaron off at daycare and then go to the center. So, Aaron came with us and he thought that was pretty cool. He actually got to put stickers on Wyatt's hat and he loved that. They took him back at 7:45, they came and got me at about 7:55, and we were leaving by 8:00am. The doctor said there was really thick, sticky, mucus like fluid behind his eardrum and we'd probably see a huge improvement over time. Hooray, another hoop Wyatt has sailed through! This is the nurse taking him back. It's not the greatest picture because I took it with my phone.
Sinave - 15 months
10 years ago
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