Wednesday, September 3

Monster Jam in Seattle!

One weekend in August we packed up the kids and headed to Seattle to take Aaron to see the Monster Jam monster trucks. Monster trucks are his favorite right now and we all needed a break and we thought this was the prefect excuse. What was also nice was that a couple of my certifications for work were expiring at the end of August. So, I just took the classes up in Seattle and my work paid for the whole trip (all except the monster trucks of course). We had a great time. This was our first trip as a family with no doctor appointments as the basis of our trip. It felt so good to just get out and enjoy ourselves. Aaron was so excited to see the monster trucks. We talked it up all week. He could barely wait. He now knows most of the trucks and some of the drivers now. It's pretty fun to watch him.

Believe it or not, Wyatt really enjoyed it and he never pulled at the ear muffs!!

These little guys were called the 'Quarter midgets.' They are 6 - 12 years old and were so stinking cute.

Even though Aaron was exhausted we stayed for the whole show and neither of the boys fell asleep as the way back to the hotel. I was kinda shocked.

I tried twice to upload a video clip of the show, but I guess it was too big because it didn't load, twice. It was fun though.


Jeremy and Barbara Green said...

Hey! I love Aaron's headphones, so cute! I've never been to a monster truck show but it looks pretty fun!