Do to a unfortunate event the boys and I are heading to Utah for a few days. I am really torn about this since I am going without Charlie (he has to stay and work). I need to be there, but the drive will be very,very long. On the other hand since I will be there for awhile I would like to see everyone that I could. If you are available this weekend lets get together! It's been a long time since I've seen most of you! Drop me a message or give me a call and we'll go from there. Hope to see you soon!!
Tuesday, September 23
Monday, September 22
Wyatt's surgery
Wyatt had his tubes placed this morning and did really well. We had to be at the surgery center at 6:45am. Since I have worked the last 4 days I was pretty exhausted. I didn't get up in time to get the kids ready, drop Aaron off at daycare and then go to the center. So, Aaron came with us and he thought that was pretty cool. He actually got to put stickers on Wyatt's hat and he loved that. They took him back at 7:45, they came and got me at about 7:55, and we were leaving by 8:00am. The doctor said there was really thick, sticky, mucus like fluid behind his eardrum and we'd probably see a huge improvement over time. Hooray, another hoop Wyatt has sailed through! This is the nurse taking him back. It's not the greatest picture because I took it with my phone.
Created by Katie at Monday, September 22, 2008 Tidbits(0)
Tuesday, September 16
Totally 'Tube'-ular
On Monday, Sept. 22, Wyatt is getting tubes in his ears to match Aaron. So, literally we will have 'tube'-ular boys. (I know it's a bad pun, but I worked 1/2 a night shift last night and didn't get home til 2am and then woke up at 6am when Charlie left for work and have been up ever since. I'm tired and everything sounds better when you're tired...right?) He has had 4 ear infections over about 5 months, still has fluid behind both ear drums and when they tested his ear drums there was no vibration. He responds to sound so I know he can hear, but it's probably like trying to hear underwater. I am all for them since I saw such a huge change with Aaron when he got his. I know that this will help him a lot. I just can't believe that since February both boys will have had surgery twice. And it's really scary when the doctor says"you're family's keeping me in business." This particular doctor has done all the surgeries too. However, it is safe to say that they were all greatly needed and none selective. I must say that we are completely blessed with fabulous medical insurance from Charlie's job!! ( my insurance is not so great to say the least.) Without his insurance, this past year when have cost a fortune!!
Created by Katie at Tuesday, September 16, 2008 Tidbits(0)
Sunday, September 7
I do my little turn on the catwalk
Recently, the hospital I work for, Kadlec, added on a 6 floor tower. The unit I am working on, Intermediate Care Unit, was one of the lucky floors that had the privilege to move into this beautiful building back in June. Now, granted there has been some major bumps in the road with opening this tower, but all in all things aren't that bad. Kadlec puts out a newsletter about the latest and greatest advancements about the hospital and the last one was about how the new units are doing in the tower. I didn't think it was a big deal or anything, but apparently this newsletter is distributed all around the Tri-Cities. Take a look at the top ofpage five:
I have had so many people tell me that they saw me in the Pacsetter. Then, on Sunday the hospital used the same picture in the weekly add in the local paper for job listings. So I get my 5 seconds of fame. Charlie didn't know he married a model!! lol
Created by Katie at Sunday, September 07, 2008 Tidbits(2)
Wednesday, September 3
Monster Jam in Seattle!
One weekend in August we packed up the kids and headed to Seattle to take Aaron to see the Monster Jam monster trucks. Monster trucks are his favorite right now and we all needed a break and we thought this was the prefect excuse. What was also nice was that a couple of my certifications for work were expiring at the end of August. So, I just took the classes up in Seattle and my work paid for the whole trip (all except the monster trucks of course). We had a great time. This was our first trip as a family with no doctor appointments as the basis of our trip. It felt so good to just get out and enjoy ourselves. Aaron was so excited to see the monster trucks. We talked it up all week. He could barely wait. He now knows most of the trucks and some of the drivers now. It's pretty fun to watch him.
Believe it or not, Wyatt really enjoyed it and he never pulled at the ear muffs!!
These little guys were called the 'Quarter midgets.' They are 6 - 12 years old and were so stinking cute.
Even though Aaron was exhausted we stayed for the whole show and neither of the boys fell asleep as the way back to the hotel. I was kinda shocked.
I tried twice to upload a video clip of the show, but I guess it was too big because it didn't load, twice. It was fun though.
Created by Katie at Wednesday, September 03, 2008 Tidbits(1)
Tot talk
Created by Katie at Wednesday, September 03, 2008 Tidbits(0)