I know that this is kind of late, but it's been a brutal recovery for Wyatt and I didn't have time to load my pictures until today. Wyatt has finally turned the corner and is getting better and better everyday. We still have our minor set backs, but each day he's eating more...( actually stuffing his face...making up for lost time ;) ) and discovering more with voice and vocabulary.
Now, back to what this post is suppost to be about... Halloween. Aaron was Ben 10 and Wyatt was a fireman. They were both adorable and completely enjoyed trick or treating. We went over to a friend house for a party that night and then all the mom's took the kids around the neighborhood. It was fun and pretty desent weather too.

Aaron and his good friend Will, who's a spider.

Fireman Wyatt. We tried to get the cutest Ewok costume, but it was sold out. We had to settle for this one and it turned out pretty cute! Very fitting for him.
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