Just a quick note that I had to share. Aaron is finally off the iron, well, at least for now. Weening off medicine is a celebration at our house since, for most kids, it is so hard to give to them and my boys are on a lot. Wyatt on the other hand just opens right up. It's second nature to him. I love that I don't have to fight him, but it's kinda sad if you really think about it. And speaking of Wyatt, his iron is still low. Very low actually. So, he's still on iron drops and multivitamin with iron. Someday though, he will be as strong as brother!!! Anyway, back to the point... one less med!!!! waahoo!!
Thursday, August 6
Cool Desert Nights!
In the Tri-cities you know it's summer when it's time for Cool Desert Nights. For 25 years (I think) people enter their classic cars, (or any car they feel like, but really it's supposed to be a classic dang it...) drive around town and even have drag races. It's pretty fun. Aaron really enjoyed it and Wyatt's starting to catch on. I think Aaron's favorite was the new Camero painted just like Bumble bee. In fact, he thought it was Bumble bee. "Mommy, I want to see Sam and Mikaela." It was really cute. Here's some pictures of our faves.
And apparently all laws go out the window too. I can't believe they let them ride around for hours on his lap. (even though I have very fond memories of driving on my dad's lap, but that's not the point :) ) If you're going to make it a law enforce it, even in special occasions. Right???!??
Created by Katie at Thursday, August 06, 2009 Tidbits(0)
Aaron's swimming lessons
Last year on the boat was pretty miserable since Aaron was pretty much petrified of the water. So we thought that we would get a jump on things for this boating season to be enjoyable (and safer) by putting him in swimming lessons. He started in the beginning of March and has already moved up one level from jellyfish to starfish. He loves it. Plus, he asks us to go boating now. It's awesome. I just wish that they weren't so darn expensive and lasted a little longer for the size of the class.
Aaron getting used to the water
Getting pretty brave!!
Created by Katie at Thursday, August 06, 2009 Tidbits(0)