Friday, February 29
Hot Blooded
Created by Katie at Friday, February 29, 2008 Tidbits(1)
Labels: My Family
Aaron's Surgery
Created by Katie at Friday, February 29, 2008 Tidbits(0)
Labels: My Family
Thursday, February 14
Aaron's gettin' tubes!
Aaron had an appointment with an ENT doctor yesterday due his chronic ear infection since Thanksgiving. He decided since it hasn't cleared up with 3 sets of antibiotics that it probably won't clear up on its own. So, tubes it is. He goes in on Monday Feb. 25. I hope this helps his ears!! Poor punkin!
Created by Katie at Thursday, February 14, 2008 Tidbits(2)
Labels: My Family
Wednesday, February 6
Wyatt Lewis Irving

Created by Katie at Wednesday, February 06, 2008 Tidbits(1)
Labels: My Family
Aaron Jacob
Created by Katie at Wednesday, February 06, 2008 Tidbits(2)
Labels: My Family
Tuesday, February 5
Cousin Gavin
My sister and family came up from Southern Utah after Christmas to see the new addition to our family. Aaron just adores his older cousin Gavin and still asks to this day if Gavin can come over and play. I wish we lived closer!!!
Created by Katie at Tuesday, February 05, 2008 Tidbits(1)
Christmas '07
Created by Katie at Tuesday, February 05, 2008 Tidbits(0)
Birth Announcement
I never got around to sending Wyatt's birth announcement out. Bad mom. So I thought I would post it to redeem some mom points.
Created by Katie at Tuesday, February 05, 2008 Tidbits(1)
Labels: My Family