As of now Wyatt is going Friday to get his tonsils and adnoids out and more tubes in his ears. It is a pretty big surgery for him especially since he only turns 2 the next day. I know, happy birthday...right. Poor boy. Wyatt has had so many issues with his ears so our favorite doc wants to get it done. I totally agree. Not only is he sick all the time, but his speech is drastically delayed. He can say mama but doesn't refer to me as mama. I strongly believe that this is the next step to do. Please keep him in your prayers and thoughts.... And mama too. I'm so scared. Even though We've been through this before with Aaron. He so little.
Tuesday, October 20
Surgery for Wyatt
Created by Katie at Tuesday, October 20, 2009 Tidbits(1)
Pumpkin patch
Saturday we took the boys to the pumpkin patch. It was super busy. They had bounce houses, carrusels, corn maze, petting zoo, hay bile maze and pyramid, and of course the hay ride to the pumpkin patch. Lots of fun but tons of people. Maybe we'll go on a week day next year!

Hay ride to the pumpkin patch


And searching.....

He loves this look. He does it with every picture. I have to remind him to smile soft.

On top of the pyramid.
Created by Katie at Tuesday, October 20, 2009 Tidbits(0)
Here are some fun summer pictures taken along the way.

On the boat...obviously;)

Just chillin' in the 110* weather this summer.

Down at the park by our house.

I don't know why but I absolutely love this picture.

How you doin'?
Created by Katie at Tuesday, October 20, 2009 Tidbits(0)
Fair Fun
Back in August we took the boys to the county fair. We had a lot of fun. Mmmmmmm greasy fair food. Aaron rode rides, horses and bungy jumped. He had a blast. Wyatt ate food, loved the petting zoo and ate more food!! It was a lot of fun and can't wait til next year when Wyatt will enjoy the rides.

Kung Fu Wyatt!

Aaron loves riding the horses.

Transformation begins....

He thought he was so cool as Incredible Hulk.....
I'll post the video of Aaron on the bungy trampoline jump later... When I find it. All in all it was a fun evening!!
Created by Katie at Tuesday, October 20, 2009 Tidbits(0)